Pictures of
Bernice R. and
Karma P. Parkinson Family

Just before marriage
Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston
Just before marriage
Courtesy of
Nan P. McCulloch

Bernice and Karma, about 1919
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston
About 1923
with Richard and Polly
by the dance hall by
Karma's mother's house
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston

With Bernice's brother Rolland and his wife Ruth
Rolland had the farm next door on Parkinson Road in Franklin
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston

Karma baby
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston
With Richard and Polly
about 1924. Courtesy
of Diane P. Colston

The family at Saltair
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston

Top, L-R: Richard, maybe sister Edith's
husband Seth Shaw, Edith
Bottom: Blaine, Bernice, Polly probably, Karma

About 1933
L-R: Blaine, Diane, Karma, Polly, Bernice (dad), Richard
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston

* Click here for closeup *

Top, L-R: Blaine, Richard, Polly
Bottom: Nan, David, Bernice, Karma, Diane
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston

Nan (front left), Polly, Bernice, Karma, David, Diane, Blaine
Courtesy of Nan P. McCulloch

L-R: Diane, Nan,
Karma, David, Bernice
Courtesy of Nan P. McCulloch
Bernice harrowing
with Nan and David
Courtesy of Nan P. McCulloch

L-R: Bernice, Nan, Karma, David
Courtesy of Nan P. McCulloch

Courtesy of
Blaine P. Parkinson
Courtesy of
Blaine P. Parkinson
1960, mission to New England
Courtesy of Nan P. McCulloch

With children at 50th wedding anniversary, Logan
Back: L-R: Richard, Polly, Blaine, Diane, Nan, David
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston

Kids and spouses
Back, L-R: Polly, Richard, Marilyn, Blaine, Leonore,
Mary Etta, David, Nan, Dave Dehlin, Diane, Lee Colston
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston

With the grandkids
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston

Courtesy of
Nan P. McCulloch
Courtesy of
Nan P. McCulloch

Courtesy of
Nan P. McCulloch
Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston

About 1976
Courtesy of
Blaine P. Parkinson
About 1976
Courtesy of
Blaine P. Parkinson

About 1976
Courtesy of Blaine P. Parkinson

Note: High resolution scans or photo reprints available free or at low cost from webmaster (see below).

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We want to make this site as complete as possible. If you have photos or histories you can let us copy, or if you can offer help with scanning, retouching, or transcribing, please contact Ben Parkinson, webmaster, at "feedback at" (replace "at" with "@"). We plan to make high-resolution scans and/or reprints available to all family members.

Phone: 801-240-5522