The Family of
Bernice R. and
Karma P. Parkinson
Last updated: 24 May 2002
Note: High resolution scans or photo reprints available free or at low cost from webmaster (see below).
- David Parkinson Parkinson, "The Biography of Karma Parkinson Parkinson," 12 pages; in Bernice and Karma, Logan, Utah: Lee and Diane Colston, 1979.
- Bernice R. Parkinson, Missionary Writings (diaries, newspaper clippings)
- Karma Parkinson Parkinson, The Autobiography of Karma Parkinson Parkinson, 1979, 50 pages; in Bernice and Karma.
- Karma Benson Parkinson, Oral Interview, Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, Brigham Young University, interviewed 9 Aug. 1978 by Tillman S. Boxell, 22 pages, used by permission.
- Nan Parkinson McCulloch, More than You Ever Wanted to Know About Nan Parkinson McCulloch, includes histories of Bernice and Karma.
- Samuel Chandler and Mary Ann (Polly) Hobbs Parkinson, Bernice's parents
- The Samuel Rose Parkinson Family Organization, Bernice's paternal grandparents
- The Hobbs Family: Ancestors and Descendants of William and Ann Owen Hobbs, Bernice's maternal grandparents (Charles William and Mary Ann Emms Hobbs)
- The Family of William Brigham Parkinson Sr., Karma's parents
- The Family of Ezra T. Benson (1811-1869), Karma's maternal grandparents
- S. Hunter Cannon's site, with histories and photos of the families of Ezra T. Benson (Karma's maternal grandfather) and Samuel R. Parkinson (Hunter, by coincidence, is a cousin of both Bernice and Karma).
- Gollaher Family Foundation, the family of Karma's maternal grandmother. Note: If you're after photos, Ben Parkinson has high-resolution scans of most the Gollahers on this site.
Help Improve These Pages
We want to make this site as complete as possible. If you have photos or histories you can let us copy, or if you can offer help with scanning, retouching, or transcribing, please contact Ben Parkinson, webmaster, at "feedback at" (replace "at" with "@"). We plan to make high-resolution scans and/or reprints available to all family members.
Phone: 801-240-5522